The Tribulation

I believe all Christians should be prepared for tribulation. It could be “the” tribulation or “a” tribulation. It really does not matter at all. We follow and trust Christ no matter what. When “Babylon” requires allegiance, we refuse to give our allegiance to anyone other than Christ. During the time of the Maccabees, Jews refused the “mark” of eating pork and were beaten and killed. Christians in China during the Cultural Revolution refused the “mark” of reverencing Chairman Mao and were beaten and killed.

I wrote the base pages on this site in 2009. The blog posts start from that time and then stop at 2012 and begin again 2020. The pages, parts 1 – 5, are about living through The Tribulation, but the same biblical principles apply no matter the type of tribulation. Throughout history, Christians have been martyred for following Christ. Paul talks about sharing in Christ’s suffering.

Read through the five parts and think through the Scripture. Read through the posts and be encouraged. I’ve turned off comments, but I have opened a Facebook page if you want to discuss. This isn’t about knowing what’s going to happen. We don’t need to know the details. We need to know Him. Know your Good Father. Spend time with Him and get to know Him through His Word.

If you want more teaching, I have hundreds of Bible lessons. They are all available online for free.